Friday, August 10, 2012

You're a "Ghost in the machine"

The internet is a network within networks system that has a multitude of a billion routes to certain information. It has allowed a new dimension of communication and consumerism all around the world, continuing to evolve we have integrated the internet into every aspect of our lives and people who are not obtuse to it's power are weary or taking advantage of it.
It is a place of cyber-criminals, business men/women, hackers, activists, school girls, presidents and ministers, musicians, writers, revolutionaries, scientists, pedophiles, mountaineers, religions and it even has directions to your front door. The internet is the most dangerous invention since the atom bomb and it isn't for the conservative or person who wishes to impede reading/listening to a million opinions all at once. The world you think you know won't exist for much longer, in fact the world you thought of ten minutes ago is already different in the sense of looking back to the quick evolution of the internet; it has evolved from peer to peer networks to the biggest data collection of all time in around fifty years.
File:Descartes mind and body.gifI predict one day you will constantly be integrated into the internet at all times, you will be a ghost (consciousness) inside a machine (the internet) and everything you say, do or think will be apart of it. Just look at theory within "Ghost in the shell" - "攻殻機動隊" or Arthur Koestler's work in "Ghost in the machine"
Rene Descartes substance dualism of mind and physical matter will no longer have a place, for our senses will be a part of the internet, creating in real terms a "Sixth sense". People who follow the ideals of Substance Dualism i.e. the belief in the physical and spiritual will be at a loss of words when the internet is literally a new reality, maybe even more so then the other two.
Imagine if you where so built into the system that you could have your body taken over, your consciousness or "ghost" at another place while someone intruded into your body. Your brain would be hacked, you having no control over it.
I do not believe in substance dualism as to believe our consciousness is apart from the physical brain, you must give connection of how the two interact, where as science gives explanation in the means of neurons and brain waves. So therefore, the world would just be your brain and the internet.
It sounds like something to be feared at first but if you look more in depth you will find we are already at the early stages of this occurring, the internet already travels everywhere with you via. Your phone, laptop or other mobile devices and when you are sitting at home on the internet nothing else seems to grab your attention, people have died from lack of sleep and malnutrition with a hint of dehydration because the internet can create a euphoric state, mainly within a world inside a world (inception) i.e video games.
Next time you put something on Facebook, think first, every piece of information can be used against you. A name and state are both all it takes for someone to find you.

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