Friday, August 24, 2012

Next stop... The Internet zone...

The Internet is one of those strange and ambiguous things that has been developed over multiple decades and has really been transmorphed into something that originally it wasn't set up for such as, well lets face it time wasting and procrastination.

But how many things would we not be able to do without the Internet? We would not be able to converse, over thousands of kilometers without the Internet, to see a loved one and to tell of amazing travel stories, or a business associate to conduct a meeting. We would not be able to do the simplest of tasks such as, checking the weather for today or maybe next week, we would actually have to look outside to see if the sun is shining or not! But seriously, it has changed the world we live in dramatically and mostly for the better.

I remember nagging my parents to get the Internet on, way back when it felt like everyone else but our household had it. I knew I was missing out, but I didn't know how much on. The reasons my parents gave me, as to not get the net, seemed a little bit far fetched such as, there was a story my dad kept telling me of two young boys, looking up how to make a household bomb and blowing their hands off... Now you would think my dad would know I would have not the slightest interest in making bombs, "but you never know Bec." All I wanted it for was to listen to the Kyle and Jackie O Top 40 countdown and myspace (I didn't have the most broad music taste back in the day).

The Internet has such a great amount of volume, the sites are expanding everyday, I heard the other day that one days worth of uploads onto would take 6 months to view. That's just one day on one site, of the vast ever growing world of the Internet. I guess there is a reason they call it the World Wide Web.

If any of you have ever seen the Twilight Zone you would realise that it is a lot like the Internet. It's like another world and it really changes how you look at everyday things. It has a lot of subconscious material that we are exposed to and only realise just as we are about to be cooked by, not cooked for by aliens... Or maybe that's just in the show. They also both take away your ability to focus on the task at hand, the Internet by giving you leeway in procrastinating on that assignment you are supposed to finish and the Twilight zone by just providing you entertainment from an unreal world, which I guess is also the Internet.

The Internet has taken over it's true. When any of us are faced with the difficulty of living without it we start to freak out a little. There is a lot of reasons why though, if it's because you can't access your facebook account for a day or two, well you can go without. But if it's so you can get into that uni course you've been wanting for ages, well that is a bit of a life changing decision. The thing is we are able to live without the Internet but it gives us so much more freedom and choice, which is what makes our modern life so wonderful and lazy.

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