Friday, August 17, 2012

voyeuristic media

The media isn't about news anymore. It's as simple as that. After watching the news I don't feel informed the same way I do after reading a factual book. And that's because a lot of the news feels fictional these days. You hear about a mass murder but it rarely strikes close to home. It feels more like something that happened far far away in a town you've never heard of that may as well be fictional. The only news that evokes anything more than a "That's terrible" from me is when the subject will actually have real affects on my own life. But what the media does is manipulate you into an emotional response by giving you fact after gory fact. It forces you to imagine the events unfolding in your head. Sometimes they go past that and just show you. They show you something that for someone was a devastating life changing thing to an entire nation. To me that seems like something that could derail your whole life. We get over grief. We move on. But when that grief has been communicated to a wider audience people feel like they have a right to that. I think we should have patent on grief. Because grief makes money. And whats to stop the media from exploiting that? As we've seen time and time again, nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Sam .. you have a lovely way with words. Your blog was poignant and sadly true.
