Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Deface the Debased

From birth, we are taught what is right from wrong, what is acceptable and what is unacceptable. Many of these messages are transmitted to us through modes of communication such as the media. In turn, we are taught what our rights are and where to draw the line. I think it’s time to “re-program” the current media model, because as it stands today, society is fast-track becoming addicted to vacuous, ill-informed and sensationalistic story-telling, being passed off as NEWS.

The world media quickly descended on the town of Colorado last week where the now infamous “batman killings” took place. The story has been covered so closely that there is very little we DON’T know about the “alleged” gun man. American conservative right-wingers are so upside down on this issue.

There is definitely a strong “gun culture” in America, that is undeniable. What I fail to understand is how they can justify hours and hours of coverage on “war-like” related killings and NOT be offended by what they see? How do they justify this as “acceptable” media coverage without any form of censorship?  Shouldn’t naming and showcasing a mass killer’s face, as he stands trial, be an offense in itself? These murderous “debased” human beings should be faceless and remain that way so as not to encourage or feed into THEIR narcissistic obsession for attention and notoriety.

As “consumers” of the media we should expect a certain level of integrity, decency and trust in an institution which we rely on for our news and information gathering. As consumers, we need to know that the system governing the media has a moral compass and is in the interests of the people. It would appear the current media model encourages voyeurism and cruelty.

1 comment:

  1. It's so true, we're letting it get this bad. It's time for an overhaul. Viva la revoluccĂ­on!
