Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Internet positive and negative asspects

The internet has increased our knowledge and the benefits are students dont have to borrow books for there assessments because now we have the internet and there are lots of resources and ideas for people who need information for there work and assessment. The internet has benefits of health and medicine for doctors and pharmacists and people who are learning about health and medication and illnesses and the internet gives us lots of knowledge and makes our minds with all the ideas about everything and increases our brain with ideas. The negative asspact about the internet is facebook and twitter, with theses sites people put all there information and meet people they dont know or havent seen which can be pervets or mentally disturbed people who get all your information and kids go on the internet and chat with strangers but these strangers can pretend that they are kids but there older. Its very scarey because people can learn where you live. Another negative thing is that there are viruses and hackers that can cause problems to the internet uses.

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