Sunday, August 26, 2012

The rise of the fifth -

"A man can't ride you unless your back is bent." - Martin Luther King, jr
With the fifth estate our backs have slowly been pulled into shape and our eyes broadened on the ideals of freedom and expression. Politicians, activists and the media can no longer hide behind their authority as information providers as it now lies with the people, your voice can be heard further then you could imagine, you are only limited by the fear you hold to speak, the internet now becoming the main medium for the fifth estate, it being anyone who is not a derived from nobility, the clergy, commoners or the press etc. It is the peoples, the communities, the none formal who give out their opinions. Example: bloggers and YouTubers are all part of the fifth estate where Julia Gillard is part of the nobility or Government.

No doubt recently you have heard about or watched the 'humanitarian' KONY2012 video which spread throughout the internet like wild-fire. Only four days after it hit YouTube, bloggers flooded the internet with information that rebutted the videos or criticized it's huge simplicity and noted in many different areas the documentary gave false information or lied.. Many humanitarian organisations including Amnesty International saw the threat and danger of the video stating "Efforts to arrest Joseph Kony must respect human rights" which the video did not respect instead uprising people to the idea that sending in an army was the correct method.
What does this have to do with the fifth estate you may be wondering? whether you believe in either of these arguments, it does not matter but what does is that there is two opinions on the subject and you have access to both. Your voice can be heard on any topic you read or hear about you just have to begin typing, communication is a vital part of coming to the truth when a subject is shadowed or swept under the rug by the government. Also, your information isn't limited to the country you live in or by issue, with the implication of search engines anything can be sought after. 

The fifth estate has improved freedom of expression allowing a multitude of voices from many cultures to be heard from all over the world, it has an effect on all that come into the public eye. The sun should never set on our right to be heard and the fifth estate. Anonymous, a hacking activist party has been noted for believing in freedom of speech and was once part of the fifth estate but through bloggers, YouTubers and the pirate bay, they have been seen doing the opposite, hacking and Ddosing those who disagree with their beliefs, if there was not the fifth estate no one would know of these issues.


  1. I like the way you show your approach. Besides, quotation at the beginning is a bomb.
