Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sex Anyone?

Sex Anyone?
I will start out by warning that some of the following content may alarm or shock some viewers!
If you consider yourself of sensitive nature then stop reading here!
OK now that I have your attention… and you’re wondering what dirty little secret I might have up my sleeve or what story I might tell, you may ask yourself what feelings it triggers inside you… with the heightened sensation of knowing something about someone else or what happened at that party on Saturday night, it gives us a feeling of being ‘in the loop’ of information. If we aren’t then we do not know what is happening and as we are social creatures and our survival depends on our ability to communicate. That is the basic principle behind how and why the news functions like it does, we want to know because we think it will be important to our survival but we also just want to know, that’s thing about us humans, we are curious creatures that want to know … What? Where? When? Who? Why?
Although we may be fed negative thoughts but at the end of the day it’s up to us to decide to watch or listen and how we behave accordingly.
We are the news it feeds off us, both positive and negative outcomes are due to our own interest in the matter, we accept and play into the negative aspects of the news along with many other negative aspects and behavioral types constructed within our society and it is up to each and every individual to fight the battle of striving to be the best sides of our selves we can be.
I saw some beautiful graffiti once in the cemetery that stated ‘We are all animals, really’ it has stuck with me over the years as the most pure of truths that someone could graffiti in a cemetery, a place where the true nature of life and death cannot be argued. We are all scared, excited, curious and drawn to a scene of violence but also moved by the mourners of the victims involved.

This is the paradoxical nature of being human and animal at the same time, as we wrestle with our own existence, we are struck by the thrill of revenge, war and bloodshed and yet we possess notions of what is ethically correct and morally virtuous. 

1 comment:

  1. This is really well-written. I agree with the human/animal paradox, wish I'd thought of that!
