Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hi  Everybody!

This is an interview with Heider an Iraqi home-stay student who I have been living with for the past few months, he has only been learning English on and off for a few years and so he used this as an opportunity to practice speaking.

I was trying to think of a way to pose the topic this to his situation, here goes....

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Do the KIA?

No, don't do the KIA. What were they thinking? I mean it's kinda of an okay idea conceptual but it's just terrible in practice. When I say it's a good idea conceptually I mean food for people that don't have any is good but "likes" for food. That's just the worst. It's like a really sick joke.

News sites

SMH presents with a lot of information all at once. It's set out in a way that kind of makes you think theres tonnes and tonnes of informative information. But when it comes to the articles their less than engaging. I mean it's good but I just find it a little absent for some reason.

The Conversation is much better laid out and the articles are informative and indepth. It feels like a news article rather than just a recount. The Australiainstitute is rather minimalistic. Comprehensive articles though.  The Global Mail is really really comprehensive. The information is both factual, entertaining and insightful.

The Telegraph is similar to SMH in that it presents with a lot of info but without interesting and insightful articles. The ABC is comprehensive but brief. The Huffington Post is short but sweet. They get to the point, its comprehensive and is insightful.

Those are my opinions on the news sites. I think they all represent a certain type of information consumption methods as they are set out differently for good reasons.