Friday, August 17, 2012

illuminate me 2012: Weekly Topics

illuminate me 2012: Weekly Topics: Read the following articles and post an opinion on this site. Feel free to post any relevant cartoons, pictures or video footage. Week 1....
When I went to school there were, at the most 60 in my class in Primary school, and generally between 40 and 55. The teacher was one nun. most of pretended that we knew what we were doing, because there were so many people in the class, it was embarrassing to ask for help, and so many others were in the cue for help it was a bit pointless. I made sure I sat up the front so I could try to get help without too many people noticing.

I think that there are a lot of issues in a classroom, the quality of the teacher is one issue, but class sizes have to be another. I guess nuns did a lot of work after class correcting and grading work, for them it was a vocation. They didn't have families or homes to run. People who live in society, who have family and other commitments just don't have the same amount of time to give.

 Smaller classes allow teachers to be more involved with the pupils, supervise their work more fully and create more interaction in a class to allow discussion and participation of students in various ways. Imagine trying to get 60 kids to interact in a learning situation in a class that lasts an hour or two?

Samller classes are an important part of quality teaching.

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