Friday, August 10, 2012

The contradiction of a life time -

"Freedom of speech" You say? If I  was to walk into a boxing ring wearing a swastika, the main symbol of Nazi Germany, I would without doubt be thrown from the Olympics by the hair and ear. I was merely expressing a culture and a people (or former people) who I may or may not have been affiliated with. Then people in turn would say "But Nazi Germany was a fascist fanatical movement who caused the holocaust" To this I state the following: I understand the holocaust was a significant atrocity that caused the suffering of millions but what about Australia? Great Britain? America? Are you saying these countries have not been associated with terrible crimes, religious or not religious. The troubles in Ireland was a religious war that killed many, many men, women and children.
If you believe in true freedom of speech, then you stand for it on all accounts not just when it suits you or when your selective outlooks suits your opinion best. You could go against my analogy once more by saying "The Nazi Germany flag offends everyone" Well doesn't the American flag insult many that see it towering in Iraq? What if I said to you that every time I saw a Christian/Catholic Roman crucifix, I was deeply offended but as a believer in Freedom of speech, I allow them to express themselves.
You can't go around selectively pin pointing every little aspect you find offensive and disallowing it for people to express or else people will demand that you suppress everything that is offensive. Once you give one child a treat, the other child will undoubtedly want the same in turn, if you ban one flag you are entitled to ban any, if you ban one religion you should be able to ban them all. 
Freedom of speech is to many extents disallowed in many areas, for one I am against religious teachings in school and many would tell me I have contradicted myself here but there is a difference between forcing objectively to offering subjectively. I can tell you now I believe in god, I love god and he will forever be in my heart, that is my right to say, my right to pronounce to the world but from the moment I tell you, that you yourself are wrong and I shall force you to see what is right, It no longer is an issue of speech but instead a conflict.
Conflicts occur during speech and can cause emotional harm but I say this again, many things cause harm, there is a difference of forcing an opinion on someone than to express it. By the way the swastika wasn't originally used by Germany, it is an ancient symbol used 3,000 years ago and still today to represent life, the sun, power and strength. So yes, by all means believe that he is allowed to express his culture but don't get selective and exclude other cultures.

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