Friday, August 24, 2012

Keep it Short and Simple

People watch the news so that they are up to date with recent events in society. The News is essential so everyone can be kept well informed. However, I don't think stories such as mass murder should be highly publicized over the news. I'm not saying they shouldn't be seen at all, people need to know but I don't think we need to see or hear the gruesome details of a day many would rather be forgotten. Think of the victims of the news event and their families. In the case of a mass murder, families who have lost loved ones aren't going to want to constantly be reminded of that fact every day when they watch the news or read a newspaper. They are going through enough all ready watching the news shouldn't add to that.
Some people would argue that watching the news isn't compulsory and that if a viewer is happy with a story displayed then they should change the channel. Yes it's logical but it doesn't change the fact that some of the stories displayed on the news can be gruesome and have a bad affect on people, especially those involved with whatever the story may be.
I think they should show the stories but in less detail. Tell the basic, need to know information and leave it at that. I think showing videos of the events or carrying out the story every day for weeks is going to far.
There was one story in particular that i heard about on the news the other day. I didn't hear too much of the details but from what I saw, a person was attacked in their home and the event was recorded and put on youtube. The News story included the video. After the first few seconds I didn't want to watched. To be completely honest, I was horrified, it was disgusting.
The news reporters did warn the parents of the victim that the video would be on the news that night but I still don't think they should have showed it. What if the parents of the victim change the channel during adds and the first thing they see is the video?
Imagine if something bad had happened to you or someone you know. How would you feel constantly reliving that moment because it is displayed on the news?
News stories, whilst informative, can be a constant reminder of events, therefore, I believe that the news stories should be short and to the point and only contain the need to know information.

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