Thursday, September 13, 2012

Work more, Talk less

Rich people are so out of touch with the average work day of average Australians that this doesn't surprise me. It's completely and utterly wrong what she said though. She's stereotyping Australian works as lazy alcoholics who are concerned first and foremost with socializing. This is absolutely insulting. Especially coming from someone who inherited her money.

Lets just say your a non smoker who also doesn't drink and works 6 days a week and foresakes socializing to work at your minimum wage job, if Gina Reinhart had it her way this person would be earning even less money than they were before. There are people who aren't really devoted employees but what Rinehart is suggesting here is that if you want to be succesful you should make sure your always working. Working to the point where your don't even have the time to have a smoke. She's saying that everyone should be earning less money and working more hours which is the dream of anyone who owns a business.

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