Friday, September 7, 2012

Are we just wasting our time?

Since the internet first became available, it was slow, crappy, and was usually put to good use, now that nearly everyone has broadband internet, and their are literally millions of websites, the internet seems to be used mainly for procastination. Just like everything else out there, the internet has its good abnd bad, as many of the good things include wikipedia amd those sort of information websites.Our good hacker friends can ruin things for anybody, as they take it upon themselves to steal things from other people for their own personal gain, as the online gaming community love to blaim hackers ( mainly aimbots) which ruin everyones experience.

Then theirs the downright strange side of the internet which i will admit i've been on more times than i probably should have been. This video is a prime example of the strange shit thats on the internet and i have no idea why people bother putting it up for everyone to see.

So in conlusion i think the internet will one day be nothing but a waste of time.

1 comment:

  1. WTF!!!!!!! Wow that kid just spazzed out! Its like there was no point to his life without the game,if I was his parents I would give him a good five months of hard labor to straighten out his priorities :) Sooo funny to watch though!
