Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Natural Woman … Natural Selection

In many Polynesian Cultures, there is no such thing as “gay men”, “homosexuals” or “transgender” people. In the Pacific Islands, there three distinct and accepted genders. They are; male, female and the “Fa'afafine” or the “Third” gender. The Fa'afafine people are born biologically male and raised as females and are recognized as an integral part of “traditional” Polynesian life.

The “tradition” goes back centuries and required parents to “elect” one or more of their sons, to help with strictly “women’s work” when a daughter had not been produced. These young boys were encouraged from childhood to be female in dress and effeminate in manner. The result was Fa’afafine.

Modern Fa'afafine people differ in two fundamental ways from their traditional counterparts. Firstly, they are more likely to have “chosen” to live as women and secondly they are more likely to be homosexual.

These days, young boys who “appear” more effeminate then others may be attributed as Fa'afafine by their parents. However, in these evolving and modern times, “The Fa'afafine Youth” are neither encouraged nor discouraged to dress and behave as women. They are simply “allowed” to follow the path they choose.

The link below follows the story of a Fa’afafine Activist from New Zealand. If you have a quick 5 minutes, take a look at the link below. It’s a real eye opener.



  1. I've always been fascinated by the supposed "third gender" concept. I love the idea of an androgynou1s society, I find pretty men so attractive. Although, they can't be prettier than me, of course. Hahaha.

  2. Prettier than you .... Never ... Impossible !!! Cheers Gabby

  3. This was really interesting! Never heard of it before. I'm going to do some further reading.
    Also, really well-written as always Gabby :)
