Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pros and Cons.

Earlier in the year i had to get my phone fixed. I was given this old shitty Nokia that didn't have internet connection and all i could do was message and call people. That would have to be the longest two weeks of my life! Not having constant access to facebook and other internet sites, drove me iiiinnsaanneee, to the point i felt a little bit depressed. This can easily make me say that the internet has made a masssiive impact on my life and i'm sure its the same case for a lot of people out there.
When it comes to the Pros and Cons of the internet, the list is endless for both sides.

Some Positive aspects are:
You can do everything from home with just a click of your finger such as; Shopping- clothing, accessories, electronics and groceries, you can do your banking- can easily access your money, transfer to other accounts, pay bills online instead of waiting in line at a bank or post office, you can google pretty much anything- you can find out everything you want about anything, like your favourite author, you can play games, download and listen to music, we can chat to friends and family all around the world
Some Negatives aspects are:
Your personal details such as your name, address and credit card details could possibly be kept online which makes it easier for hackers to steal your identity and money, you can waste hours of your life just sitting and browsing the web doing absolutely nothing but staring at the screen when you could be out and about doing more productive things
Doesnt matter if people think the internet is a good thing or not, there is no way of escaping it. Whether you like the concept or not it is a handy tool to have access to wherever you are, whenever you want to and to do whatever you would like with it.

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