Friday, September 7, 2012

The New World

The internet is a global community. We all add, we all share and we all create on the internet. It's possibly the most useful education tool ever invented and is open to anyone who has an internet connection. The internet also has negative aspects that I believe are smaller in number then the positives. The internet is just every piece of information that people have created. Every concept, every piece of art and every person is contained within the web. Because of this the positves and negatives mirror those of the human race in a way.

The most commonly touched on point when discussing the internet is the lack of face to face communication. Younger people are forgetting how to communicate in person. The internet is something that you personalize to your own wants. You read about the topics your interested in and access entertainment that is to your liking. This links to a topic that has both negative and positive effects. Most of the people I know don't like the exact the same things I do. But on the internet you can find people who are interested in the same thing as you by simply searching and entering a forum or chatroom. You can join a community that has the same obsessions as you and if you can find a world online that  has been designed exactly for you then how does the real world compete with that? It's the most accessible form of escapism that is directly catered to your preferences. For some people the internet is the real world though.

There is crime on the internet. I think in some ways it is easier to steal money on the internet. All you need is a Username and Password to steal money. But crime is no more prevalent on the net than in real life.

The main thing we get from the internet is the ability to share though. To share what is great with those who are great within a matter of seconds. The internet is wonderful mostly.

1 comment:

  1. Bravo! Awesome points you made about it being a virtual reality catered specifically to our desires and how we can become so easily lost in this world of fantastical creation.... Really Good writing!
