Monday, November 12, 2012

Education down the Drain:

Dollars we Don't Have

This is an issue within current Australian culture that has specific significance to myself, and the wonderful people I have shared my life with over this past year. I am talking about the controversy over privatising our TAFE system which is being discussed in Australia at the moment, particularly in the state of New South Wales where I live. So far we have experienced budget cuts and massive layoffs as well as class size reduction and a gradual decline in the

For this past twelve months I have been enrolled in a course of ‘Communication and Media’ at TAFE by means of government funding and I am very aware that this would not have been possible without this assistance. My goal is to work hard and make my way to University where I will be required to pay a hefty sum for the opportunity of getting a degree with which I can do my part to contribute towards a productive, working society.

I want to give something back! Although how is this going to be possible??

I appreciate what my government has done for me so far and I feel it would be a huge detriment to our society at large as this will penetrate on every level. Low-income earners in particular will be put at a severe disadvantage compared with those who are able to afford it. Isn’t this supposed to be a society of ‘fair-goes’ and ‘equal opportunities’?

Important professions come from this system of education and we do not have anything to replace it.

Just a few of the members of society that will be effected here are; our tradespeople, the hospitality and tourism industry, all those school leavers for whom this is an ideal transition into University, media and photography students, people of varying backgrounds, ages and socio economic status, not to mention all the fantastic staff and teachers who have made it there interest to support their student community.

Our only means of financially assisted education would be turfed out the window along with the opportunity of making a better life for ourselves and the people we love.

Even if all we can do is become more educated on the issue that at least will help spread the word, here are some articles that highlight some of the issues we are facing at the moment.

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