Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hula Hitler!

I really couldn't care less that Damien Hooper wore the aboriginal flag in the boxing ring. Who knows? Maybe there was a hole in his shirt or it was laundry day.  But I feel that wearing a different outfit than the designated uniform was a bit naughty.

As an athlete in international competition you are required to meet certain expectations.
I couldn't care less if he wore a bright green shirt with a picture of Hitler doing the hula on it, the point isn't that he wore the aboriginal flag. The point is that he wasn't wearing his uniform.

Now, we all know the importance of a uniform. Each one of us has probably been lectured about it during high school, and believe it or not it's true. A uniform makes a group of people visually united; in this case the uniform unites the competitors as Australian athletes.  I agree that Aboriginal culture is a huge part of our country's history, but uniform is uniform...Why should he be able to get away with bending the rules? What makes him so special? If he wanted to truly represent our country he would have worn the uniform of the Australian athletes but, for whatever reason, he decided to go against the rules and wear something else.

1 comment:

  1. Thats fantastic haha i wanted to put sponge bob square pants on his shirt(look at my article) but couldnt get bloody gimp to work!
    Hahahah Hula Hitler I LOVE it!!
