Tuesday, November 20, 2012

kia company

I disagree with Kia motors because they are trying to get attention for their company and making there advertising to become more successful in there motor and i think this is a terrible idea. When kia is willing to support starving children i dont think they should advertise there company.
Kia company is  running this marketing campaign on Facebook to boost their 'likes' in order to build an audience and increase the reach of their advertising. As the influence of social media grows, companies have used increasingly creative means such as contests, photo competitions and games to drive up user interaction to raise the profile of the brand.Kia is being looked at both ways with their partnership with World Vision. Their effort to gain awareness, money and Facebook Likes for their own business seemed to be a bit too much for many when the Korean automaker started a program called “1 Like = 1Day Food for 1 Family.”

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