Thursday, October 25, 2012

The 5th Estate - Citizen Journalism

I believe that the rise of the 5th estate is a good thing, for too long newspapers, radio and then television dictated what we were "permitted" to know, and the information was invariably slanted and biased toward whomever sat on the board and their political agenda, not to mention the pressure from the government of the day.

This will continue to be the case but at least we have the opportunity to investigate and source our own answers and evidence of whatever is of importance to us, and with the advent of social media it gives the powerless Joe Citizen an opportunity to make his opinions or outrage or support to something heard.  We have seen the groundswell this can create and surely that is a good thing.

I realise that it can be dangerous if people believe everything they read on the net as there are people with their own agendas spreading false information and propaganda, but surely if Alan Jones has been permitted to sprout his vile hateful tirades for all these years surely Joe Citizen should have the right to voice his opinions, and that he & she did in the case of Mr Jones, Ok so he didn't get the sack (yet) but it sent a very clear message to management and sponsors that his Brandenburg Rally style presenting is unacceptable and dangerous.  Long live the 5th Estate.....

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