Sunday, October 28, 2012

Internet, I love thee.

Internet has most definitely changed the world. I think it's safe to say that it's for the better, as there are many pros as opposed to a few cons.

Here are just a few of the things that the internet has made possible. You can:

- meet and talk to people from all over the world
- have 24/7 access to tons of information, you can learn about anything you want
- have a live news source
- email people
- look up health and diy solutions
- do chores like transfer money, report your earnings etc without having to stand in a queue

- look up product reviews
- look up any recipe
- look up phone numbers
- book travel tickets and accommodation
- look for jobs, submit your resume
- watch/download movies, tv shows, music, games, software

- study by distance, particularly useful for disabled people or people who live in rural areas
- google maps lets you virtually travel the world and see places you otherwise might never have seen
- buy practically anything you want from all over the world, and sell things as well
- keep in touch with, or find, relatives
- raise money, raise awareness, promote your business, etc
- work from home, great for disabled people
- share the great photos you take, articles you write etc
- stalk your crush

However, the pros come with cons. Here are some of the negative aspects of the internet:

- with so much information available, it is easy for someone to learn things like how to make an explosive device, or how to produce drugs
- cyber-bullying is a result of the anonymity of the internet, many times a person would never had spoken to the other person like that if they were face to face
- weapon of distraction- there are so many entertaining things to do on the internet that some people can have a difficult time focusing
- people are getting lazier when it comes to personally speaking to people instead of emailing them
- hackers can steal your information, bank details etc
- everything is moving online, which means people are getting physically lazier and gaining weight
- ads and influential media can affect the impressionable, desensitise etc
- if you look up your symptoms on google you'll end up terrified
- kids can develop social problems from using the internet too much instead of getting outside and playing with others
- the crazy kid with a crush on you can stalk you

Overall I view the internet as a good thing, a necessary thing, and for me the pros will always outweigh the cons.

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